- You can time how fast you found your toothpaste in your luggage this time and make a game out of it.
- You always have a Q-tip close by. Even when you least expect it. Sometimes in your sock.
- When you reach into your bag to get a sweater and cut yourself on a free-range razor, you get a manly scar. Rawr.
- If your shampoo bottle explodes during luggage loading, all of your clothes are scented and have that fresh soapy feeling to them.
- Since your shampoo exploded you don’t wash your hair. You save water.
- Your comb combs your sweater.
- Having your shaving kit wrapped in a plastic bag shows that you are a relatable down to earth guy.
- You can’t find your shaving foam so you decide to go for that rugged look that is so popular with the ladies.
- Nail clippers on the loose add some adrenaline to your life. You like to live dangerously. You‘d wrestle a grizzly bear just for kicks and giggles.
- Your shaving brush brushes oh so gently against your shoe. You get a free shoe shine.
If, for some reason, you don’t find these particularly enjoyable, save yourself some trouble and get a toiletry bag. It comes with free shipping and an immediate sense of maturity.